Registration office & tourism

Municipality Maria Wörth – Reifnitz – Dellach – Sekirn

Field of duties:

General affairs of tourism, guest services, registration office, lost property office

  • Tourism management
  • Fishing – issue of visitor tickets and fishing rights
  • Issue of Carinthia and Wörthersee Card
  • Honouring of returning guests
  • Guest registration and civil registration
  • Guest and host information on tourist matters
  • Provision of hotel and other accommodation
  • Answering inquiries
  • Library
  • Registration office
  • Lost property management
  • Tourism statistics
  • Springer Reisen branch office
  • Sale of goods
  • Organisation of events – creation of events calendar and posters
  • Various Forms
  • “Experience Maria Wörth” editorial municipal newspaper
  • Maintenance of tourism home page
  • Social Media

Information from the population register/registration confirmations can be obtained from the registration office, Seepromenade 5, 9082 Maria Wörth or at the council offices in Reifnitz. For this, proof of identity is required. No registration information can be given out over the telephone.

A fee is charged for registration information: oral requests per item of information from the Central Register cost €3 or €2.10 from the Local Register (LMR). For registration confirmations, the Federal fee of €14.30 will also be charged. This does not apply if there is a charge-free notification (“For submission to …”).

For written submissions, an additional Federal fee of €14.30 per item of personal information or confirmation of registration applies.